7.5: Interlude 7: Prolationem

There is no shame in taking a look at one of the greatest minds our world has ever produced when in search of wisdom.

The Quote

“Learning never exhausts the mind.” – Leonardo da Vinci

My thoughts

Given the person who said this, my first thought was that the quote is a summation of how da Vinci views his mind and is giving others a look at his work habits, but those five words refer to something that all of us are capable of. Our minds are the most complicated and thereby delicate computers ever made. The mind is never truly idle, it always needs some type of input. While these input methods do vary, just think of the five senses and then apply them to practice any activity you can think of, they all serve as a way for your mind to receive information.

Most of the ways we take in information are temporary and do serve to stimulate the mind, but within the numerous activities you can think of learning is always present. Learning allows our minds to perform at its best.  This is because your mind creates connections between what you already know and the new things you take in. This provides more pathways to the same information or memory improving the mind’s ability to recall as well as remember things on top of topics that are related to them.

Learning something each day no matter how small can put your mind at ease especially when it is time to get some sleep. Your mind instinctually knows when it has learned enough, and when it has not. The latter at times presents itself in the form of questions before bed like whether or not the milk in the fridge is spoiled, or did I leave the lights on in the bathroom. Learning is what keeps the mind fit, and provides a particular brand of peace at the end of your day. Until next time, I am Nolan Ex Tenebris.


8: What Should a Writer Do?


7: A Mind on Education, Part 2