18.5: Interlude 18: Prolationem
This quote was said during a conversation among friends years ago. I will not lie, this statement was received in the worst way it could be, but after the conversation was redirected to the impact, versatility, and interpretation of words, I think the true message was understood if not put into practice.
The Quote
“People settle for what they can get when they cannot get what they want.” – Nolan L Melonson II
My thoughts
The friend I told this to took it the wrong way because they were applying the quote to the situation they were in at that time, if you have ever had one of those conversations where multiple topics are being talked about almost at the same time then you can understand what happened.
Now, what I said to my friend is not so much a nugget of wisdom as it is an observation that should be taken as is and not overly interpreted or applied to an individual. This quote refers to how a group decides what is acceptable and where the line of compromise is drawn.
I am not here to demonize any organization or group for settling on what they can get; after all, I would not call myself a team player, but when you are responsible for any number of people beyond yourself there will always be the need to provide for them. I am of the mind, that what you provide might not always be what you would like. I would just make sure that it is something of substance.
If you see yourself as an individual, make sure that you are because the choice not to settle is something that will test your endurance in every aspect of your life, it is a challenge that only ends when you say it does, and the secret is that it is more about the journey than it is about the outcome. Until next time, I am Nolan… Ex Tenebris.