10.5: Interlude 10: Prolationem
This quote is from an Author who is widely recognizable even if you have never read anything he wrote.
The Quote:
“The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.” – Mark Twain
My Thoughts:
When this quote was said the literacy rate in the US was about 20%, but I think that this statement has endured the test of time. While the literacy rate in the US has risen from the latter quarter of the 1800s to an average of 79% in 2024, the core of what Mark Twain was getting at remains to be true.
We live in a world where most people’s reading habits only extend to what is on social media, email, and text messages. I wholeheartedly agree with the quote above. It does not matter to me if you read fiction or nonfiction; just as long as you are reading.
When you read it stimulates the brain allowing it to improve your ability to understand, remember, and make connections in both vocabulary and abstract concepts, it is a skill like any other that should be used so that your full potential can be reached.
For most people, I am just some random stranger digitally shouting into the void, and that is fine by me. What you do with whatever skills you have are entirely up to you; as for me, I will continue to do what I do, and hopefully provide some entertainment or inspiration as I do so. Until next time, I am Nolan Ex Tenebris.